قاعدة تشنغدو للباندا العملاقة

5 (1 Review)
الصين تشنغدو
From: $120,00
(1 review)

يوم كامل

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

8 people



About this tour

Chengdu, a city with a history of over two thousand years, is renowned worldwide for its panda culture. The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is one of the world’s largest panda breeding institutions, home to hundreds of adorable giant pandas. Some pandas leisurely munch on bamboo, some joyfully play around, and others peacefully nap. Here, you can witness their charming antics up close and experience the unparalleled cuteness they exude.

〇 Giant Panda Museum – Panda Science Exploration Hall – Moon Delivery Room/Sun Delivery Room – Young Giant Panda Villa – Panda Tower – Panda Art Gallery – Red Panda Pavilion


  • Get up close and personal with pandas, hold and take photos with them.
  • Observe the adorable antics of panda cubs from a close distance.
  • Watch panda cubs leisurely munching on bamboo for a relaxing experience.
  • Experience close encounters with red pandas.


  • Bilingual tour guide
  • Private transportation
  • Tickets
  • All-day dining
  • Personal expenses
  • Souvenir purchases


The first interactive thematic museum centered around giant pandas.

Discover many unknown facts about pandas.

The tiny panda cubs are all here!

The residence of the internet-famous little bear, "Hua Hua." Catch Grandpa Tan giving Hua Hua a sports lesson at 2 PM.

A must-visit new landmark in the area, featuring a super-sized bamboo shoot perfect for picturesque shots.

Get up close and personal with red pandas.



Frequently asked questions

  • Plan Your Time Wisely

For a day trip to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, it's essential to schedule your time wisely. Arriving early in the morning helps avoid peak crowds, allowing for a better appreciation of the pandas' daily life. In the afternoon, explore other attractions like the Bamboo Forest Wetlands and the Wide and Narrow Alleys.

  • Sunscreen and Insect Repellent

Be mindful of sunscreen and insect repellent during your visit. Chengdu's summer has strong UV rays and a higher mosquito presence. Prepare sunscreen and mosquito repellent to avoid discomfort from sun exposure and insect bites.

  • Moderate Spending

Maintain moderate spending during your visit. Purchasing some panda-themed souvenirs is a great choice, but there's no need for excessive spending.

Tour's Location

الصين تشنغدو


(1 Review)
Very Good
1 review on this Tour - Showing 1 to 1

Chengdu: A Waking Dream with Cosstrip

Incroyable! Je reviens tout juste de mon voyage à Chengdu réservé sur le site de Cosstrip et je suis encore sous le coup de l'émotion. Réserver mon voyage sur leur plateforme a été d'une simplicité enfantine. Tout était disponible en français et les photos étaient absolument sublimes, mais rien ne pouvait me préparer à la magie de Chengdu. Dès mon arrivée, j'ai été plongée dans un monde vibrant et coloré. Explorer les ruelles animées remplies d'étals de street food aux odeurs alléchants, visiter le centre de reproduction des pandas et câliner ces adorables créatures noires et blanches... Chengdu a été une succession d'expériences inoubliables. Cosstrip a orchestré ce voyage à la perfection. De la réservation aux guides touristiques sur place, tout était parfaitement organisé et géré. Un grand merci à Cosstrip pour m'avoir permis de vivre ce rêve éveillé! Si vous envisagez de partir à Chengdu, n'hésitez pas à passer par leur site. Vous ne le regretterez pas!
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From: $120,00
5 (1 Review)



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